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File Structure

+-- Doc\
|   |
|   +-- license.html                             --> GNU GPL v3 license
|   |
|   +-- UM_<product name>                        --> User manual for a specific product
|   |
|   +-- RM_<product name>                        --> Reference manual of a specific product
+-- Host\
|   |
|   +-- MicroBoot.exe                            --> Microboot download utility
|   |
|   +-- BootCommander.exe                        --> BootCommander command line download utility
|   |
|   +-- Drivers\                                 --> Drivers for Microboot communication interfaces such as USB
|       |
|   +-- Source\
|       |
|       +-- MicroBoot\                           --> Microboot source code
|       |   |
|       |   +-- interfaces\                      --> communication interface source code
|       |
|       +-- BootCommander\                       --> BootCommander source code
|       |
|       +-- LibOpenBLT\                          --> OpenBLT host library source code
+-- Target\
    +-- Demo\
    |   |
    |   +-- <cpu_derivative_demoboard_compiler>\ --> e.g. "ARM7_LPC2000_Olimex_LPC_L2294_GCC"
    |       |
    |       +-- Boot\                            --> demo bootloader program, needs to be programmed once
    |       |   |
    |       |   +-- *.h|*.c                      --> source code of the demo bootloader program 
    |       |
    |       +-- Prog\                            --> demo program, can be programmed with Microboot
    |           |
    |           +-- *.h|*.c                      --> source code of the demo program
    +-- Source\                                  
        +-- *.h|*.c                              --> target independent bootloader source code
        +-- third_party\                         --> third party libraries such as uIP and FatFS
        +-- <cpu_derivative>\                    --> e.g. "ARM7_LPC2000"
            +-- *.h|*.c                          --> target dependent bootloader source code
            +-- <compiler>\                      --> e.g. "GCC"
                +-- *.h|*.c|*.s                  --> compiler dependent bootloader source code
manual/files.1502101109.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/24 22:11 (external edit)